Da Nang tours

Da Nang overview

Located in Central Vietnam, Danang, the 4th largest city in Vietnam, marks the halfway point between Hanoi capital in the North and Ho Chi Minh city in the South. It is also the center of commerce, tourism and education. Has long been recognized by locals as the most worth-living place in Vietnam, Danang was listed in the world’s top 10 worth-living cities in 2018 the famous travel magazine Live and Invest Overseas. It additionally consolidates Danang’s position in the world tourism market.
Danang marks the northern limits of Vietnam’s tropical zone and has a pleasant climate all year round. There are two seasons: wet season from August to December and dry season from January to July. The highest temperature is 30°C and the lowest one is around 18°C. The best time to visit Danang is from March to May and September to October when the weather is cool and dry. If you can, avoid the summer months from June to August when Danang becomes a popular retreat for domestic tourists. It is very hot then but very little rain and the sea is clear and calm.

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